The Secret Island: a Sardinian Journey
The Secret Island: a Sardinian Journey is a graphic adventure game set in Sardinia, it will be released on September 25th. Daniela, the main character, has to go on a journey across the hidden island in search of Felicita, her missing grandmother. Among archaeological beauties, museums, ancestral myths and new friends. Help Daniela solve simple puzzles and find the missing pieces of the loom. The Secret Island is the first video game created by professionals from the entertainment industry aiming to create a bridge between theatre and gamification.
During the game, Daniela will meet many characters, some of which really exist in the real world! Have fun discovering them all in the bonus content you will unlock in each level of the game. Want to follow in Daniela’s footsteps? You can, starting with the Museum of Mediterranean Masks in Mamoiada. Want to write to Insopportabile? Join Twitter, use the hashtag #sardinianjourney and tweet. Would you like to try natural fabric colouring? Contact Maurizio Savoldo de La Robbia and book a customised course. Discover all the partners and artists involved.
Join Daniela on her journey: begin with the Museum of Mediterranean Masks in Mamoiada. Pass through Ottana and the Church of San Nicola and discover the myth of the Filonzana. Get to Cabras and meet the Giants of Mont’e Prama. Reach the archaeological area of Cuccurada in Mogoro and then the Nuraghe Losa in Abbasanta. Turn towards Paulilatino and the Sacred Well of Santa Cristina and finish in Alghero at the Necropolis of Anghelu Ruju.
Daniela and Barbaricina in front of the Church of Nostra Signora di Loreto in Mamoiada
Daniela in the Museum of Mediterranean Masks in Mamoiada
Daniela in the Mont’e Prama excavations in Cabras
Storyline: Lara Melis e Ismaele Marongiu
Script: Andrea Assorgia, Lara Melis, Ismaele Marongiu
Game Design: Andrea Assorgia
Game Developer: Andrea Assorgia, Giacomo Donato
Background lineart: Noemi Lepori
Background painting & props: Manuela Galletta
Character design & animazioni: Stefano Puddu
Music: Mebitek
Production manager: Valeria Galletta
Contact us
Il progetto Memory Wefts è finanziato dal Bando IdentityLAB_2 Annualità 2018 “Sostegno finanziario alle imprese operanti nel settore culturale e creativo per lo sviluppo di progetti di internazionalizzazione nei mercati interessati ai beni, servizi e prodotti culturali e creativi della Sardegna” POR FESR 2014-2020 Azione 3.4.1 – Codice Unico di Progetto (CUP) E74J19000170007.
347 9221 280
via Gramsci 33, Mogoro