Memory Wefts

Memory Wefts narrates Sardinian weaving tradition through three captivating artistic products. Istós, an evocative and emotional theatrical performance, inspired by Salvatore Cambosu’s short story “Il Cervo in Ascolto”. Memory Wefts – A Trip to Sardinia, a narrative-based videogame available for iOS and Android, spin-off of the theatrical show: a fantastic journey through museums, nuraghes and other touristic beauties of Sardinia. And a tour, named Memory Wefts – Sardinia: The Last Textile Tradition in Europe, dedicated to enthusiasts and professionals in art and textile field. Memory Wefts starts thanks to Teatro Tragodia, Effimero Meraviglioso and Ditta Luigi Spano, and it is created and designed in collaboration with Lara Melis and Ismaele Marongiu.

Art Memory wefts

The Secret Island

The Secret Island: a Sardinian journey will be a videogame supported by iOS and Android smartphones. A graphic adventure game through Sardinian beautiful landscapes, finding Granny Felicita. Get ready to accompany Daniela in a fantastic journey through actual museums, archeological sites, places and people. And after having solved the puzzle you will be able to visit these places personally, meet the real people and continue this story by yourself. The game will be available in the stores in Spring season, follow us on the social media to be updated.

The play

Prove spettacolo Istós

Istós – Loom in Greek – is inspired by Salvatore Cambosu’s short story “Il Cervo In Ascolto”. Sometimes dramatic, sometimes joyful and fantastic, but also deep and contemplative, Istós tells the story of the creation of the many schools of Sardinian weaving in a fantastic way. It is a large white canvas which paints itself before the audience, as the big loom on stage does, thanks to the work of the women weavers. Original music by Rossella Faa, the graphic pen designs by Carol Rollo and the live drums by Massimo Perra. To testify the whole thing, the photos of Gigi Cabiddu Brau. If you want to see Istós in your city please contact us here.

The Tour

Logo Missione incoming
Memory Wefts – Sardinia: The Last Textile Tradition in Europe is a 6 days tour dedicated to enthusiasts and professionals in weaving art. The tour runs through Sardinia, following the weaving path: from the vertical looms of the north-central area, with its mountains, masks and its strong identity traditions; to the horizontal looms of the central-southern area, with its docile plains, its bright colored carpets and sparkling tapestry. We will visit some of the many studios which made Sardinian weaving history, and which represent the several schools and styles in the island. We will also visit some museums and archeological sites, and agritourisms, and holiday farms, because a culture can be understood only by meeting those people who keep it alive day by day. If you want to take part in this tour or for further information please contact us here.



Teatro Tragodia, based in Mogoro at the Theatre “Fabbrica delle Gazzose”, has been operating for over 30 years in the theatrical and education field, with particular attention to Sardinian culture identity themes and to a reinterpretation of popular theatre in which words and gestures are analyzed and redefined.


L’Effimero Meraviglioso born in 1991 in Sinnai. From that point on it keeps putting forward a project of a vital theatre, able to instill emotions and ideas, thus working on the body, words, images, sounds and collaborating with actors and theatrical operators from many places and experiences.

Logo Ditta Luigi Spano


Ditta Luigi Spano has been offering its skills for over 20 years, to give a quality technical support, from the equipment to the design of the most technical aspects of the show. It mainly deals with concerts, music events, and theatrical shows from all over the island.


Comune di Mogoro
Comune di Cabras
Comune di Mamoiada
Gal Marmilla
GAL Barbagia
Museo MAMU
Penisola del Sinis
Fiera dell'Artigianato
Nuraghe Cuccurada
Cantina di Mogoro
Blue Marlin

Artists and Artisans

Andrea Loddo
Carol Rollo
Gigi Cabiddu Brau
Massimo Perra
Su Trobasciu
Mariantonia Urru
Isabella Frongia
Giovanna Chessa
Speranza Ladu

Contact us


Anna Brotzu

+39 329 823 5720


via Gramsci 33, Mogoro

+39 347 9221 280


Teatro Civico, via della Libertà snc, Sinnai

+39 070 765 831



+39 328 0721 180

+39 349 6747 534

2 + 2 = ?

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Logo Fondazione Sardegna

Project funded by the public procurement IdentityLAB_2 2018 “providing financial support to companies operating in cultural and creative domain in order to develop internationalization projects, in markets interested in cultural and creative goods, services and products made in Sardinia” POR FESR 2014-2020 Azione 3.4.1. – Single Project Code (CUP) E74J19000170007 and by the public procurement ROL (Arts, Cultural activities and goods) of Fondazione di Sardegna.